500 research outputs found

    Variable Projection Support Vector Machines

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    Emergence of non-Fourier hierarchies

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    The non-Fourier heat conduction phenomenon on room temperature is analyzed from various aspects. The first one shows its experimental side, in what form it occurs and how we treated it. It is demonstrated that the Guyer-Krumhansl equation can be the next appropriate extension of Fourier's law for room temperature phenomena in modeling of heterogeneous materials. The second approach provides an interpretation of generalized heat conduction equations using a simple thermomechanical background. Here, Fourier heat conduction is coupled to elasticity via thermal expansion, resulting in a particular generalized heat equation for the temperature field. Both of the aforementioned approaches show the size dependency of non-Fourier heat conduction. Finally, a third approach is presented, called pseudo-temperature modeling. It is shown that non-Fourier temperature history can be produced by mixing different solutions of Fourier's law. That kind of explanation indicates the interpretation of underlying heat conduction mechanics behind non-Fourier phenomena

    Népegészségügyi problémák számítógépes modellezése

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    A dolgozat a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Irányítástechnika és Informatika Tanszékének Orvosinformatikai Laboratóriumában folyó, népegészségügyi szempontból jelentős betegségek számítógépes modellezésében és szabályozásában elért aktuális kutatási eredményeket foglalja össze. Három témakörben – cukorbetegség (mesterséges hasnyálmirigy), elhízás (elhízás és laboreredmények összefüggései) és angiogenézist gátló tumorterápia – fejlesztettünk ki optimális szabályozási algoritmusokat, valamint prediktív modell-alapú eljárásokat. Jelen publikáció eddig elért eredményeinket foglalja össze

    Investigation of injection moulded poly(lactic acid) reinforced with long basalt fibres

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    n this paper long basalt fibre reinforced Poly(Lactic Acid) (PLA) composites were prepared and analysed. Continuous basalt roving was coated with PLA by using continuous extrusion coating technology and a special die. The continuous basalt roving coated with PLA was cut into 10 mm long pellets, which were injection moulded. The properties of the long fibre reinforced composites were compared to chopped(short)basalt fibre reinforced PLA composites produced by using the conventional dry mixing, ex trusion and injection moulding method. The mechanical properties of the long basalt fibre reinforced PLA was found to be superior to short basalt fibre reinforced PLA. Fibre length analysis revealed that the remaining average fibre length highly increased,while electron microscopy demonstrated that there is very strong adhesion between the phases. Finally it was found that the long basalt fibres also have nucleating ability

    NEST – A sacred space designed for all

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    The design of religious buildings typically calls upon a number of motifs, ornaments, or specific forms to signal its function to the viewer or to create an atmosphere of spirituality. In culturally diverse environments, these motifs no longer hold value, leaving the architect to communicate in a way shared by all beholders. Inclusive collaborative design involving participants of diverse backgrounds can provide a solution to this issue. Discussed in this paper is the methodology and conclusion of a design project undertaken in this manner